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SME Banking
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Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) customers comprise individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and limited liability companies operating in various sectors of the Sri Lankan economy. Currently, any entity with a total Bank’s Exposure of less than Rs.250 million is classified as an SME and is handled by a dedicated team within SME Banking, which is one of the largest lending divisions at Cargills Bank.


Cargills Bank SME Circle, will offer you

  • Access expert guidance to transform your business idea into reality.
  • Benefit from expert knowledge and experience sharing.
  • Receive guidance to identify new market opportunities.
  • Access unparalleled financial solutions.
  • Receive expert advice on addressing business-related challenges.
  • Establish connections with state and private sector institutions for non-financial services.
Term Loans

For the purpose of financing permanent working capital requirements or the purchase of fixed assets, we offer a flexible and customized repayment plan based on individual situations and cash flows.



– Competitive interest rates for loans.

– Longer repayment period of up to 7 years.

– Capital grace period, as per project requirements.


– Credit limits tailored to suit applicants’ needs.

– Access to workshops and seminars to enhance awareness and knowledge related to SMEs.

 Eligible borrowers: 

– New Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) business connections and existing Business Customers of Cargills Bank.

 Activities eligible for financing: 

– Commencing of new businesses or acquiring existing ones.

– Investments in fixed assets and long term working capital requirements for manufacturing and service-oriented businesses.

– Business expansions.

– Infrastructure development.

– Business diversification.


– Maximum repayment period of 7 years.


Please note that product information and terms & conditions are subject to change. For the latest information and prevailing terms and conditions, please contact the SME Unit.




This facility is offered to finance your day to day working capital requirements with a maximum limit depending on your cash flow deficit. Unlike in loan facilities, overdraft interest is charged on the daily usage hence you have the option to reduce the interest cost by depositing your daily collection.

Trade Finance

Comprehensive suite of Trade Products and Services for your Business:

  • Import Letters of Credit (LC)
  • Documentary Collections, including Documents against Payment (DP) and Documents against Acceptance (DA)
  • Import Finance Facilities for settling bills under import LCs or collection bills under DP, covering import duty content as applicable.

Additional Support for Exporters:

  • Packing Credit Loans for Exporters
  • Export Bill Negotiation and Bill Collections
  • Shipping Guarantees for taking possession of goods upon shipment arrival without waiting for the original bill of lading, enabling a swift sales process.
Short Term Loans

We provide short-term loans to support your business’s working capital needs and address urgent financial requirements. Repayment periods do not exceed 12 months.

Benefits of our Short-term Loans: 

– Affordable interest rates based on market conditions

– Flexibility and convenience in repayment

– No early repayment fees

 Terms & Conditions: 

Product information and terms & conditions may undergo changes. It is recommended to contact the nearest branch/SME Department for the latest information and prevailing terms & conditions.

Invoice Discounting Facility

Want to raise cash against invoices while keeping control of your sales ledger? With our invoice discounting service, you could improve your cash flow and even protect your business against bad debts.

At a glance

  • Receive up to 80% of the value of your invoices
  • Manage your own credit control

Key benefits

  • Improve your cash flow by releasing working capital tied up in unpaid invoices
  • Daily funding updates in line with your sales ledger
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