The prestige of your signature is our privilege to honour.
Account Types
Personal Current Account.
Miscellaneous Current Account.
We offer you
Personalized cheque books immediately
Easy access to your account from anywhere you are, simply through our Mobile and Online Banking facility
Our “Cargills Cash” service that allows you the convenience of simply depositing to your account through over 477 Cargills Food City outlets islandwide, open from 8 to 10, 365 days of the year
You can apply if
You’re aged 18 or above and holding a valid National Identity Card
What you need
A copy of your NIC Card
An initial deposit of 20,000/= to start off
A recent utility bill to establish your residing address
You should also know
A minimum daily balance of 10,000/= is required to be maintained on your account
What's Next?
So go ahead, apply now, call us or let’s chat and we’ll get you going on the path to living your life to its fullest, without any hindrances.
Welcome to Cargills Bank!
Experience the amazing range of services offered by Cargills Bank.
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